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Coral Vue Hydros

Can anyone tell me what kind of pistol shrimp this is?


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Picked this guy up at the LFS and the only thing the owner could tell me was that it is from indonesia. I have been searching online and have come up with nothing...



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a freaky ugly alien pistol shrimp that can turn invisible! (that's my best guest)


crinoid snapping shrimp (did some further looking and decided it isn't this)


http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...amp;pcatid=1970 it might be a young one of these before it's colouration comes through. (tozeuma ghost pipe shrimp, second best shrimp) EDIT: I mean guess! Haha


It could also possibly just be a ghost shrimp variation of sorts (making things up now)


hope any of this helps... :)

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