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Help! Biocube 14 JUST crashed... fish dead but coral ok and some CuC OK


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Woke up this morning and tank is milky white and most everythng died but corals and some CuC look okay. I added a abunch of stuff yesterday that died and caused this. SO, what do I do now? 100% water change? Do I need rto throw out all of my live rock and sand? Keep the Live rock but just get new sand and water? I see lots of posts on tanks crashing an people disassembling it, but nothing on wanting to keep what is alive alive and restart. Please help.


Thank you!

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yes pics would be nice as well. 100% water change matching prior specific gravity and temp is definately the course of action. 80% change would leave 20% poison


additionally, you need to do it again tomorrow to begin to export the top layers of the sandbed that may have recent death loading/decay


regardless of what you did, large water changes are the breathing bag for tanks in distess. leaving portions of ammonia and decay in the water is not helping any animals or benthic life on the rocks that may have survived.

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Added a large plate coral and 4" sea hare to eat my algae. Woke up this morning and brain coral was brown and mucus-y and the tank stunk. Sea hare had died and looked like it was decaying. Both of my fish were dead but corals seem OK and 1/2 of the crabs/snails are OK. I am going to change 100% sandbed, rinse rocks and do a 100% water change.

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