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Green Chromis Dead - Clown Acting Funny - What Gives?


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My green chromis just died this afternoon. He was swimming near the bottom and in between the rocks for the past couple of days. Now the clown is doing the same, hanging out at the bottom near the rocks. I checked the water parameters and they are all fine (nitrates, nitrites, pH, ammonia). Temperature is 78F and s.g. is 1.025. The corals seem to be doing fine so far. I did a 25% water change today after I retrieved the chromis. Any idea what to check next?

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Any stray electrical current in the tank. I'd run some activated carbon to be sure that all chemical substances are neutralized. Nitrites should be 0 as well as Ammonia. Hope this helps.

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I think you're right about the stray electrical current. When I was pouring water in to the tank I felt a slight shock on my hand despite not actually touching the tank. I was only touching a pitcher full of saltwater. I just unplugged everything and as soon as I did the clown came out from the rocks. Now how do I find out the source of the current safely? Might be something I call an electrician for.

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Probly your heater what brand is it?....check it! FIRE HAZARD!... a ground probe helps with stray voltage, what all is pluged into outlets?


The heatra is a Tetra 50W from Walmart. Plugged in the outlet (Some in a power strip, some directly) is:


1) The heater

2) LED lights

3) Actinics

4) Day Lights

5) Pump

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