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Fluval Spec Super Fun Time


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Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum, but I wanted to start a thread on my fluval spec similar to others on the forum. I gain a lot of inspiration from others, so I hope I can pass that on to someone else too with my thread. I need an outlet to post my progress where people will enjoy the pics and commend and constructively criticize things. Currently no one I know gives a flying flip about aquariums. So enjoy..comments or questions are certainly welcome!


The build will be slow. I am a patient man, and I am not going to just start going nuts with livestock in my little tiny 2 gallon tank. I am fully aware of the volatility that can happen in this tiny habitat, so slow and steady will be my approach. Feel free to subscribe.


Here is a front shot of the tank that really shows you the unique piece of LR I was able to find. I am slow and methodical. It took me a long time to find the perfect piece of LR for my vision.


The inhabitants are currently a Duncan which I target feed Mysis, and a Blood Fire Shrimp who eats the left over Mysis. I will be watching the parameters and the health of the Duncan for a while before I consider adding any other corals.




A side view


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Thanks! I am in love with the rock. My next list item is getting the eco pico led arm like insipid did in his post. I will need the acintic blue to bring oit future coral colors.

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Congrats very cool rock. I've had a spec running since Feb. Try Catalina Real Ocean Water. Since it's a small tank it is not terribly expensive but really helps with stability, clarity etc. Try and stay patient.

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@Philip yes you are correct in nature that branch most likely grew the other way. However if you free your mind from the constraints of the status quo you will find that the way it is positioned will be beautiful one day! Lol the way I worded that probably makes people think i ate a couple special mushrooms as I placed one in my tank.

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haha, i think it looks fine now. reminds me of mangrove roots, but i can see it allows for plenty of room for attaching corals.

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  • 2 months later...

Well its been a while. Here is whats new. Got some blue led's to help the coral color. Had a clown goby that ate my duncan. Now the clown goby went back to LFS, and I hope to get another duncan because it was awesome and doing well before the evil clown goby was introduced. Added some more shrooms, a zoa frag, coco worm, sympodium frag, and some sort of toadstool polyp thing thats orange and white? Identification would be awesome...the lfs didn't even know and they sold it to me! Well what does everyone think?













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the tank looks awesome im really diggin that lr that looks great and as for the corals they look good ur cg ate the ducan thats a first in my book lol o well keep up the awesome work

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Just the standard tiny yellow one. He started by perching on it. Then it was like he would peck at it when it was trying to emerge its tentacles then it just went to eating it! Anyone know what the orange and white toadstool thing is?

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last pic


do they get huge? Are they harmonious and not agressive? I will do some research


May be full grown already or maybe a tiny bit bigger, even huge palys aren't terribly large.

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they do sting as all palys do. all that means is that as that colony grows, youll have to keep it trimmed around the edges so that they dont contact other coral.

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Hey everyone. Yalls compliments on my status post really motivated me to take it to the next level. I got my first ever sps frag. It was 24 dollars and the lfs newb has no idea what it is. Thoughts? I have placed it high so it gets tons of light and flow. If it shows signs of stress I will take it back. Ok let me have it...how big of # mistake is this? *hides*




This was before it opened but shows off the amazing color. 94724007-76ce-40cd-82a6-ee753f308c9c.jpg

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It was on a rack labeled "ORA" however the guy priced it as a neon green nepthea....is it ora acro? I googled nepthea and it didnt look the same as what I have. I am no good at this coral identification stuff!

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