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Star Fish


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I was looking for a suggestion on a star that can be kept in a 10 gallon nano. These are the other things I would like for it to get along with:


Clown Fish




Nassarius Snails

Blue Legs



So anyone have any thoughts or suggtestions?


If I had to, I could eventually move it to a larger tank. Would like something that can stay in there though.

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I've had this one in my 18gallon for quite some time now. It frequents the glass and crawling all over my live rock.


You can usually find some really small ones at the lfs's nowadays (well at least here on the west coast).


Good luck





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He looks sweet, what do you feed him?


Anyone else have suggestions?



Anyone know if a chocolate chip gets too big?




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STAY AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE CHIP STARFISH. From what I have heard, it isnt quite reef safe. I have a red bristle star and a green banded serpent. Both starfish can grow quite big, but are relatively cheap and would be easy to trade back to LFS for smaller version when this happens. Also, the green banded serpent and green bristle star can be both fish eaters when the get big, so be careful on these. Get them small and they wont grow too fast. Also might want to do a search on this board. I just saw a thread a week or so ago with this very same question. Good luck!

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I am for the serpent star. You may not see it very often, but it does a great job.


Everything I have heard is to not get any star that has bumps or points like the choco chip. They are not reef safe.

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I don't feed my star anything. He eats the algae off the glass and scavanges the live rock/sand bed all day (he skirts around all my corals and hasn't done any damage to this day).


Seems to be doing very well!



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I suggest a small Linkia... they can get to big for a ten gallon but take quite a while to grow full size... I have one in my ten gallon an its doing great and looks great.

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