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Best sand sifting fish


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I am looking for another fish to add to my 20 gallon tank. I would like something the moves the top of the sand. Ive heard that blennies and gobies do this. This might be false information also.

The reason I want a fish to sift the sand is so that the debri and algae will not settle onto the sand bed and will be kicked of for the filters to get it.

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jaw fish are you best bet if you tank is large enough. bobie are good to. i'd stay away for blennies some can ba hard to feed. HTH.

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Most gobies are jumpers and can easily wind up on the carpet or brain themselves against a canopy. I've lost more than a few that way. Several species do, however, sift mouthfulls of sand through their gill plates for pods and worms and detritus. They're relatively peaceful fish but they are easily spooked, especially when the tank lights are out.


Good luck!

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Some one on another forum reccomended a scooter blenny. Im not sure how good of an idea this is. Jawfish are pretty cool too. My tank is 20 gallons so im not sure if it is big enough.


TY all for the advice i will look into all of it.

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Most gobies are sand sifters! Diamond, Gold Headed Sleeper, banded, twin spot, etc...all will sift the whole tank. They'll also dig a burrow, where THEY want it, which can cause a mess or LR collapse! Blennies are not sifters, but pickers. Jawfish don't sift like gobies, they'll take mouthfuls of sand and move them, but they don't usually "sift". Scooter blennies ARE NOT sand sifters!!!


One warning about gobies, if you don't have a well established sand bed, many of them will die within a few month via starvation, unless they readily take flake or prepared food.



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Thanks once again guys and gals.

How would a watchman goby do? Regardless if it sifts sand or not, I am planning on getting on in the future.

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go for the yellow watchman. cheep bright colors, ect ect. good personality. and mine reminds me of the girl friend, always looks ####ed off. lol

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