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Coral Vue Hydros

Alternative to Green Mandarin


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I'm looking for a 'rainbow' fish as the daughter would put it as her BD gift. She loves the Mandarin's; however, after getting opinions and information from the fine community I really feel it's not a proper fit.


That being said, anyone have any suggestions for something peaceful and colorful to join the lower area of the tank?

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Red Scooter Blennies are still tough, but less tough than mandarins. They are pretty. Maybe your daughter will like that.


Bluespot Jawfish are a very pretty, and interactive fish that your daughter might enjoy.

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Dude carpenters flasher!! Really showy fish once comfy he'll dart around your tank flashing them cool colored fins! Mine was awesome i'll probably get a couple more and call my tank full after that lol.

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I know what people are going to say, but a sixline wrasse is very colorful, but be warned it is somewhat aggressive...


Also, a yasha hashi goby and pistol lays low and is colorful too!

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I just restocked my tank and on the list was a firefish. Not as rainbowy, but the iridescent purples all over him more than make up for this. Just a gorgeous fish to look at.

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