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Animalmaster6's Nano Contest Part 1 Ending Thread


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This is for my Nano Contest Part 1 ----------> http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=240805



Ending The Contest Part 1


If you would like to participate for the prizes and the top three places you must do this:

To end the contest you must choose 2 pictures. One must be a FTS from within the last month. You may take a new FTS or use the December FTS you already took. The other can be whatever you want (coral, fish, equipment, side shot, invert, whatever). You need to post these 2 pictures on the Final/Ending Contest Thread (will post after this post) by Sunday, January 23. If you do not post these 2 pictures on this thread by that date, you will be excluded from the prize drawing and top three placement. On Monday, January 24, I will create a poll to determine the top 3 winners. Those winners will receive prizes from our sponsors or donators.

*I'm always open to more donations for Part 1 if you are interested*

**If you do not want to be in the prize drawing for part 1, you do not have to. Just do not post the two pictures on the Ending Thread**




Post your two pictures below. A poll will be added on January 24.

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I hang out in sports bars a lot... I'm not that into sports, and I'm not really a drinker either...

... but I love slappin' five.


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Thanks HD for bumping the thread up :P


As for the FTS due date, if more people aren't posting their FTS I might move the date up and PM everybody.

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Yep, I'll PM everybody and extend the date a little longer. I don't want to extend it too much longer so please get the FTS in if you want to participate!

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Over the past few years the "Money's No Object" contests have never been very popular... cause you get one or two people that blow 4 or 5 grand on equipment and full heads of coral and its all wuts the point?


I always thought it was way more fun to watch the contests with money limits.

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I think a lot of people forgot, I'm sending the people who didn't post a PM just to make sure they can participate if they want to.

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Any updates?

Yep. Few people haven't posted yet. I'm going to PM them and open the polls this weekend.


Not much to see here :mellow:

Then you must not be able to see. Great tanks here.

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Posting now!!! I've been mad busy with school and all...



It sucks I can't find my better FTS but this one will have to do:




Focal rock



damn, I wish I had some better shots.

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Not much to see here :mellow:



Then you must not be able to see. Great tanks here.


When I posted there were like 3 FTS's... The key words there is "Not much" meaning a few , not "Nothing" meaning NONE!


BTW - Your 125g looks great! Congrats to finally having water, rock and a CUC :D

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