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Future LED fixture?


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Hey guys,


So currently i have a 150W Halide over my 29G standard aquarium.

Only housing pulsing Xenia and a sebae anemone (Fully produced dark brown zooxanthellae algae), properly fed etc etc..


and I want to switch to LED system for lower heat and generally lower costs over time... and seeing i have to go buy a 50 dollar bulb in the next bit i was thinking if i should just retrofit a lighting system for myself. But i haven't fully understood or at least i don't think so the ways on how a LED system will work.


So my plan was to buy; The idea of this wasn't to fully light up the aquarium with equivalent lighting, but really to replace it; so if i had to concentrate the lighting more on the anemone that would be fine (as its in the center anyways). All help is appreciated but my main concern is using the correct driver and correct LEDs, and amounts. I'm shooting for a 12000K-14000K lighting fixture.






4 x White;


6 x Blue;



Other things i don't need help choosing on, but to keep in mind are, Heatsink, and Thermal compound and constructing materials.



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good find on that DX driver ive used it before


i would use 24 leds at least, and get royal blue leds, not offered at dealextreme, you can get a couple of those blues for good measure though.


something like 14 royal blue from nanotuners, 2 blues from DX and 8 whites from dx

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alright, thanks!


So 2 of the drivers on full load?


How about ordering my LEDs from Steves LEDs/Cree imitation aswell? 2.50 a piece, 5 dollar shipping.


I was also curious on something like this: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.52219. Just like the BoostLED, i can create a pendant or what not with just a simple socket, and have 2 of these on my tank, then only buy one driver for strictly blue leds? (giving that HQI+T5 kinda effect, and really cut down the DIY part. lol.

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