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mbartons SPS Yasha/pistol 20L


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FTS 1-7-11




Display: 20 Gallon Long AGA

Lighting: 24" T5HO

Filtration: AC50, Base Rock, Live Rock, Aqua C Remora Nano

Equipment: 100W Heater,

Circulation: AC50, SEIO pump

Pistol Shrimp

Yasha Goby

Ranfordi Goby









Spicy Pepper Acan

ORA Neon Green Birdnest

Pink Lemonade Acro

MC Jokers Wild Watermelon Chalice

Some other SPS


and Macroalgaes

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Assessors are a strange fish in the sense that if you look at pictures you probably won't think too much of them but if you've ever seen a few in a tank they will blow you away. I don't know how well groups would do in a 20L and I love gobies but you could get away with one I'm sure.


I would get a couple gobies. Great fish with tons of personality.

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Approximately how many pounds of base rock and how many pounds of live rock do you have in there right now?


I am going for a minimalist aquascape with my 20L and I have more live rock to get and I am trying to determine how much more I need.


Nice scape by the way.. I like your stocking plans.

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Prolly still in the rocks, that pistol shrimp pair is sweet. I am thinking of adding a small pistol to my pico to see if it will house with my local caught gulf blenny.

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when i added the yasha, the shrimp went to the corner and the goby is in the rocks. will they eventually find eachother? they are paired

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Awesome another 20L. I thought the anemone and clown relationship was cool, no comparision to the Goby/Shrimp relationship. Way cooler!


Keep an eye on your 6 line wrasse, Drop the 'WR" and the 'E" at the end of wrasse and what do you have? I have one that started in my BC29 moved it to my 135 g. It takes no crap from my Purple Tang or a very large Maroon Clown protecting its RBTA. It has literally chased to different Coral Beauties from my 135g.


It will out grow a 20L.

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Nice tank... How does your rainfordi eat?


I had considered getting a hector's goby, but decided against it as I read they can be finicky...

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