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Pod Your Reef

Algae or Infestation?


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Anyone have an ideas as to what's these tiny things are? I can't figure out whether they're algae or tiny slugs, they do seem to move independently from one another so I guess it's not an algae. I wonder if they're harmful.


Much appreciate it.


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Yep yep.. red flatwoms. They spread quickly. Manual removal and Blue Velvet Nudibranches seem to be the most effective control. You can also use Flatworm Exit to nuke them before you get too many. Some say 6 line wrasses eat them as well, but I have both a six line and these worms, and I've yet to see him eat one. He definitely prefers pods ;)


Good luck!


(be more preemptive then I was - not that they bother me, or the corals, but I've got probably a few hundred now)

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