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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Possible to convert to MH or LED hood? - 28G Nanocube


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Hello, everyone. A few minutes ago I dropped my glass lid for my 28G Nanocube, which resulted in it shattering into pieces all over the floor. I have been using a 250w Sunpod over the tank with the glass lid to keep my jawfish in, and hoped to avoid going back to the stock hood. I bought the tank used, and the stock CF hood is fully functional, other than the clear plastic/glass piece covering everything up is missing. I was wondering, has anyone converted a CF 28G Nanocube hood to MH or LED and if so, what is needed? Would I be better off looking for a different hood? Thanks a bunch!

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You could always just buy another glass top - $36.99 @jbjnanocubes.com

I've never ordered from them though...


Otherwise - look @ the lighting forum for a LED retro walkthrough

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