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Hairy tube building crab? What is this?


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Anyone know what this is? Been doing searches and I havent found anything.


Seems to build the tube out of the substrate, hides when something gets close.... very long hair and 2 hands????


Finally got big enough for me to take pictures of it








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Are you sure it is not a type of worm?


In the 2nd picture, on the right of the shell you should be able to see alot of black hair and 2 dark "arms" coming out..


If its a worm, it has "arms"

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I have one also, it has some weight to it and has hidden in the rear of my tank. It anchors down the sponge hiker in my tank and the sponge has grown LARGE, being anchored and stable with it. But it is spikey ~ is yours?


I will try and get a picture of mine for you. However name wise I do not know what it is, mine hasn't caused me any trouble yet.

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It sounds/looks like a worm to me, even with the 'arms'. What kind of shape is the tube? If it's not round then there's a chance it could be something other than a worm, but that sounds like typical worm behavior to me... and there are plenty of bristle worms which build that sort of tube.

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Doesn't look like a worm to me.. you probably want to circle it so people can tell what you're talking about.


A few seconds on google lead me to Paguritta sp - check it out. http://www.google.com/images?q=Paguritta+s...911&bih=770 (I want one) Anything like yours?


Here's the thread that got me started:



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The tube is rounded... and it does look like that "paguritta" crab you posted, although the pinchers arent as big.... and mine seems alot hairier..


Ill try to get better pictures

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