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Mounting Eheim automatic feeder on to my wooden hood?


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Hey guys,

I have was wondering how you guys mounted your eheim automatic feeder. The guy at the fish store said it could be done, but i am trying to figure out how to do it?


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I have was wondering how you guys mounted your eheim automatic feeder.

Nailgun! :D


Seriously, I don't use one either. But I have a friend who's on week-long trips every month who uses one and he just used wire ties and a screw hook to mount his. Ugly, but efficient.



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autofeeders in general are bad, you dont need one. Fish dont need to be fed everyday or even every week...


You have no clue what you are talking about. Some fish can live without food every day, but that is called surviving, not thriving. Just like humans can probably survive on a large meal a week, but that isn't healthy.

Fish have even less developed digestion. Lots of fish/inverts actually require multiple feedings a day just to survive.


OP. The eheim feeder is the best on the market and I haven't had one fail yet. To attach to a glass tank, you need to make a bracket or shelf.

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You have no clue what you are talking about. Some fish can live without food every day, but that is called surviving, not thriving. Just like humans can probably survive on a large meal a week, but that isn't healthy.

Fish have even less developed digestion. Lots of fish/inverts actually require multiple feedings a day just to survive.


OP. The eheim feeder is the best on the market and I haven't had one fail yet. To attach to a glass tank, you need to make a bracket or shelf.


haha, really? I have NO clue?


If he's using an autofeeder, then probably he can't feed the specialized food that most of the fish need that require specialized, daily feedings.


Your tank has enough life in it for the average nano fish to not require daily feeding.


Daily, automated feedings will spell disaster in a small-volume system, not so much in a large system. Water pollution will become a big problem fast.


assuming you're needing a feeder while on vacation, or the like, then whose gonna do the water changes required to account for the huge amount of unneeded nutrients in the tank.

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okay come on guys, no need to argue on this thread. I am just away on business trips, and i rather have my tank do automated actions, ( do not trust roomates). My tank already is automated, i have an apex controller and i control it with my iphone app. I only have clowfish and a midas blenny, they accept pellets when i am away. This is a thriving SPS tank, which is fed mysis along with a blend of vitamin c enriched frozen food....so back to the mount, what should i use for that? I don't want it to rust into the tank?

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Yep... no clue. You obviously don't care about your fishes health if you feel starving them is OK. If you have kids, or when you have kids, I'll take care of them for you for a week. Should be easy. I can put them in a room with some water and not even feed them. They will be alive when you return.



Can you work with acrylic or plastic? I made a mount and it works great.

Basically a flat piece of acrylic to act as a shelf. You need to add (2) pieces of acrylic at 90 degrees, spaced far enough apart to attach to the side of your tank, like legs in a table. One piece each side of the glass. Then, drill and thread the piece of acrylic on the outside to accept a nylon screw to tighten the bracket down to the tank. The feeder can be held on to the bracket with a zip tie.

Or make a shelf inside your hood.



Advice on feeder: They are a bit of a pain to adjust for a really small volume. Slide the cover to the lowest setting and fix shut with hot glue. Then take a piece of plastic and block the slit off in the other direction to make the slit a smaller hole. Hot glue is easy to remove to adjust later, or you can use some other glue you have that you can remove.


Good Luck.

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