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Cultivated Reef

New 10 Gallon Rimless Tank


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Hey I just got my first tank yesterday from a buddy of mine. He has been doing it for years now and hooked me up with a 10 gallon rimless setup for 50 cents. Im still not sure about anything on the tank except a few names of some of the corals he gave me but i don't know if they're healthy or if my tank is healthy or anything whatsoever.


Let me know if you recognize some stuff and help me out here thanks!



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:o If he'd been doing it for years now he should've known to at least educate you on what you were buying. How old is the system? If I were you, I would be doing water changes every 1-2 days for a week or so just to get rid of that algae bloom you are getting from moving the tank. Specs of your light would be helpful too.
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Hopefully he's gonna stick around and help you, otherwise you might be in a bit over your head with some of that stock :P


And some closeups would definitely help :D

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The lights are odysea t5 and one of the 4 bulbs doesnt work. I have 2 Blue and one white one because the other white one doesnt work haha.


But im not sure what you mean by the bottom do you mean the tile on the bottom of my tank or the hand carved cricket i got from mexico lol?


Hopefully these images can help, i have no idea the worth of any of these or any of the stuff or any of there names sadly haha.


Here are some close ups!





















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iiiiiinteresting use of frag tiles. I guess that makes it easy to grab any corals that end up floating down and attaching to the bottom of the tank.

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Come over and grab the bucket of sand and the tyree toadstool. lol the tile is startin to look like shiz


oh and i have a few blue+ bulbs and a fiji purple for u to replace the stock bulbs

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1 Bubble tip anemone **

2 Florida Ricordia

3 Montipora**

4 Some kind of SPS... ** one on the left is an acropora**

5 Eagle eye zoanthid

6 Birdsnest**

7 Acropora**

8 Zoanthids

9 Polyps on the right of the Full Tank Shot (FTS) are clove polyps

10 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp


Ones the have a (**) at the end are going to die due to bad water chemistry and inadequate lighting. I would punch my friend in the face if they gave me a tank full of doomed coral, no matter how cheap it was.


** Most importantly, get that Bubble Tip Anemone out of that tank!!! If that dies, which it most probably will in a tank like that, it will kill 90% of the coral in that tank that would have made it otherwise.


I would go to the library tab and start reading ASAP. Looks like your friend left you in a situation pretty much doomed to fail instead of starting you off on the right foot.

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all the dead SPS corals were caused by LPS corals stinging them not bad water chemistry.. they were completely dead and now coming back to life and the tri color valida acro was bleached out and had no polyp extension due to bleaching of new lights and now there's polyps slowly showing up.


the green bubble has been in that tank for like 2 months and looks way better than when it was first purchased so it's fine.


just move the coral u have next to the anemone away from it lol

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all the dead SPS corals were caused by LPS corals stinging them not bad water chemistry.. they were completely dead and now coming back to life and the tri color valida acro was bleached out and had no polyp extension due to bleaching of new lights and now there's polyps slowly showing up.


the green bubble has been in that tank for like 2 months and looks way better than when it was first purchased so it's fine.


just move the coral u have next to the anemone away from it lol


hey Dan if i only knew you had a green BTA I would have try to get that too.


thanks for everything the chalice it's looking awesome...

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hey Dan if i only knew you had a green BTA I would have try to get that too.


thanks for everything the chalice it's looking awesome...



aw man,


i thought i sent you pictures of it.


i can probably get you one for only 10 bucks if youd like. i forgot the name of the frag you gave me but it's probably the brightest thing ive seen!


im glad u like the chalice. hows the skimmer pullin along?

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The lights are odysea t5 and one of the 4 bulbs doesnt work. I have 2 Blue and one white one because the other white one doesnt work haha.


Just going by this... The anemone doesn't have enough light, and by the looks of that algae, the tank doesn't quite have the right water chemistry, but if you must...


The ati blue+ bulbs will be better PAR than the actinic ones

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Just going by this... The anemone doesn't have enough light, and by the looks of that algae, the tank doesn't quite have the right water chemistry, but if you must...


The ati blue+ bulbs will be better PAR than the actinic ones



its going to have 2 blue+ and 1 aquablue special and if we can fix the fixture a little bit then we will add a fiji purple. the fixture is sitting right ontop of the tank and it'll have plenty of light. if not i have a 150 mh will brand new 20k radium.



the algae has been on the glass forever and never scrubbed lol not even after we set the tank up.


ammonia nitrates nitrites are at 0 and calcium is at 440.

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frag tiles is fresh idea and interesting. You might need to take your BTA out if you don't plan to upgrade your lighting. Is time for you to run regular water change and cure your tank ;)

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Soooo i got some sand from Fiji and aparently cleaning it once through isnt enough....


You have no idea how pissed i am this happened its only been 3 days and i already killed everything!!!



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Did things die? Just because you have sand clouding the water does not means death. Maybe for the fish....

Well i cant tell yet the water is SUPER foggy and i cant even see the corals or fish so i just turned on the power head filter heater and lights just becuase i thought it would help but im pretty sure this is not good for them....im pretty sure the salt level went down alot too :/

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siphoned half the SW out so i could remove the tiles


cleaned the sand once with my hose


the water level rose about 1/4 cuz the sand and the fresh water that came with it


then i added the left over SW


and put the live rock back in and the corals and the fish and turned everything back

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