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lighting acclimation after running dark.


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after running the tank dark for two days, due to cynao, I returned the tank to its normal lighting cycle. how ever as I introduced the tank to the double light cycle that I have run since the beginning of of this tank. the McCosker has only come out for one of the cycles (later of the two). I am curious as to the effect this is having on the fish, if I need to change to a single cycle. if this is indicative of a greater issue with the fish. so on. I did introduce one cycle before the other, but this is how I have always reacclimated after running dark & perhaps I needed to introduce both at the same time. But I am still nervous that it indicates something more with the fish.


any thoughts about this would be greatly appreciated. thank you for your time.

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Whenever I go dark, the next light cycle is actinic only and my Hoven's Wrasse doesn't come out either. The last time, he didn't come out for 2 days (after I resumed the normal schedule) and then he was fine. I just attributed it to him being just a little skittish.

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at first I wasn't worried to badly but its been over a week & a half. I like the idea of dropping to actinic though.

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It's a lot less stressful if you adjust the lighting down each night. Going from daylights to darkness immediatly is very stressful. I recommend doing this:







Of course Bitts it depends on your fixture ;)

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cycle is



blue's on @ 615

all 4 t5's @ 700

blue's on @ 1100

all 4 out @ 1145



blue's on @ 545

all 4 on @ 630

blue's @ 1100

all out @ 1145


no moon lights though


still seems weird that he would hid for one & not the other.


I wish I could dim them down at shut off, instead of just flash there out that would help with the stress.

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At the risk of sounding silly... what is the point of running this schedule? (also, assuming the morning cycle is AM times and evening is PM times?) Simply to confuse the fish as much as possible or am I missing something? Also, what kind of ambient light is getting to the tank? You've got me curious now :P

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point of a dual schedule is to maximize the use of par in combination with the corals limit of its absorption. after a certain amount of par over time the coral will no longer continue photosynthesis. this averages out to be around 6 hours so long as the corals specific par needs have been met.so 6 hours on with 6 hours off maximize's said photosynthesis. as to ambient light. closed room with no external light source's.

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  • 1 month later...

Well he's finally out during both. Popped his head out the other day & since then. Has been out for both the last 4 days.

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  • 1 year later...

out of curiosity.... still out for both?

I've just switched to a dual lighting period, and I'm interested to hear about how yours is working out


I run mine from 6:30am till 10

then 5:30 till 10.


right now, it's all-on and all-off, but I'm planning to switch to

blue lights on at 6

whites at 6:30

whites off 9:30

blue off 10:00


blue on 5

white on 6

white off 10

blue off 10:30



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  • 3 weeks later...

maybe even more legit than asking someone who has been running dual lights for a week.

I'm more interested in the long-term success failure than short-term.


it is easier to find people with opinions than experience

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