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Coral Vue Hydros

Amount of Fish


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I am all new to this forum, which means; I am also trying to make a good impression.


I have recently purchased a nano reef aquarium, which is an 8 gallon aka 30 liters aquarium.


I have noticed that there is quite a lot of different oppinions when it comes to the amount of fish in a

nano reef.


I was wondering if I could keep 3 fish i a 8 gallon tank?

I have seen a lot of people keeping 4 fish in a 10 gallon tank, which is 9,5 liters per fish, where a 8 gallon tank would provide each fish with 10 liters.


I use a skimmer and hob filter with live rocks, and of course 4 kg. og live rock in the tank itself.

I have been told that my tank should be able to handle 3 fish and the bio load, but I would really like to know what you think.


Please excuse my english, It is not my native language.





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A lot of it depends on the fish you plan to keep. Different fish have different bioloads, perhaps you'd get a slightly better answer if you put what fish you were leaning towards.

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Welcome to Nano reef.


Really depends on the fish. There are a few species of fish that are small:


Bryaninops natans is one that grows to 1 inch max.


Orange Lined Cardinalfish (Apogon cyanosoma) another small fish.


Clown goby's are another small fish.



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:welcome: to N-R!!


It all depends on the fish. What fish are you interested in?


Bryaninops natans is one that grows to 1 inch max.

Not a great beginner fish.

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Oh sorry, I did not think of that. ;)


These are the fish I'm intersted in;


A. ocellaris

Chromis viridis

N. magnifica


I'm planing to trade the fish to a smaller speciment if they get too big.


Thank you for the warm welcome. :)





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Oh sorry, I did not think of that. ;)


These are the fish I'm intersted in;


A. ocellaris

Chromis viridis

N. magnifica


I'm planing to trade the fish to a smaller speciment if they get too big.


Thank you for the warm welcome. :)





I wouldn't put a Green Chromis in an 8 gallon tank but the clownfish and firefish would work great together in this tank size.

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I would suggest the clowns,


Something like a clown goby which will spend its life on the rocks


and maybe a bottom dweller... this way, each of your fish has a seperate area of the tank, and they arent competing for space. Maybe a goby or jawfish? although i dont know how jawfish are at this size tank, so research is required.

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