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Right now I have Live rock pieces in my 34G Solana. I have them in the second chamber. I have been reading and some say take it out. I also have a BRS GFO Reactor with GFO pellets in it. I have the pump for the reactor above the Live rock in the second chamber. I thought about adding Chaeto in the place of the Live rock. If I do this and remove the rock with the Chaeto and reactor be ok together? Also what benefit will the chaeto give me over the Live rock? What kind of light do I need for the chaeto?

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If you are not having problems with nutrients, then I wouldn't bother with a fuge. I'd personally remove the LR rubble in the chamber, because the LR in your display is enough of a biofilter and it can trap detritus.

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Lots of questions here. To start, chaetomorpha is a macroalgae. As such, it will use nitrates and phosphates, as well as light, in its growth, extracting those from your tank. Using it can cut back on algae outbreaks and help keep nitrate levels in line.


It requires light and flow, which means that burying it under a GFO reactor may inhibit its growth and effectiveness. You may need to modify your Solana to provide enough light for it. A GFO reactor does some of the same things as chaeto, except it's more expensive to run and potentially more efficient. Running them together is not an issue.


Live rock is usually a good thing, but it too needs at least some light and may not get it in the back of your Solana. Rock just provides a surface for bacteria and other good things, and some bad things, to colonize. But in the location you have it, it can slow the flow through the back chambers and trap sediments. That means you need to clean/siphon the chamber regularly to prevent a buildup of detritus that will decompose and do bad things. It's that reason that makes some decide not to use it, others simply clean/siphon as needed. Personally, I don't think there's any real benefit, it's not much rock in that space and the chance to build up detritus is too much for me.


Good luck whatever your choices.



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Thanks for all the input. I guess I will remove the rock. Right now this is my set-up


1st Chamber protein skimmer

2nd Chambe blue filter pad, pump for GFO Reator (reactor is under cabnet), Live rock

3rd Chamber return pump and Tuze ATO sensor, return hose from reactor


What can I put in the place of the Live Rock in the second chamber? The Live rock has been in there for 3 weeks and all my level are good. I just figure if I have empty space I should use it for some filtration benifit.....just dont know what to use. Below is what I have in the tank.


2 Clowns

1 Lawnmower Blenny

1 Pajama Bottom

15 snails (were with the live sand)

12 Blue and red leg hermits

Bristleworms Stometella

3 Peppermint Shrimp

1 Mushroom

1 Leather

3 colonies of zoas

30# live sand

35# of live rock (20 Fiji 15 Base)


I would like to add a goby and bristle star for some more CUC...do I need it?

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