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Coral Vue Hydros

Maxijet 900


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I just upgrade to a maxijet 900 and added a koralia 425 to my BC 14 and cant really tell a difference so far other than the 900 making more noise. is this normal? how will i be able to tell the difference? Also i positioned the koralia opposite to the 900 and pointed them up toward the surface and in a diagonal pattern towards the opposite corners, (making a X pattern) is this the common positioning for them?

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I did the same upgrade on my bg14 and I noticed a large difference, that being said I also added the hydorflo attachment and the flow is good. Without the hydorflow I'm not sure what can expect to experience with the increased pumping capacity.

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that is the usual position for the extra powerhead. Now some are pointed up others are pointed straight ahead at the front of the tank. Also some position them on the right side on the glass pointing across to the other side of the tank.


did you upgrade from the original pump? you should see a pretty big difference. I liked the 900 but it made noise and I had a lot of bubbles every now and again from it. Thought it was maybe the pump so tried another and it was the same.I even removed the elbow and connected just a piece of tubing from the pump to the outlet and still bubbles every now and again. So I switched to a pico evo 1200. No noise and a little less flow but Im happy with the little guy.

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that is the usual position for the extra powerhead. Now some are pointed up others are pointed straight ahead at the front of the tank. Also some position them on the right side on the glass pointing across to the other side of the tank.


did you upgrade from the original pump? you should see a pretty big difference. I liked the 900 but it made noise and I had a lot of bubbles every now and again from it. Thought it was maybe the pump so tried another and it was the same.I even removed the elbow and connected just a piece of tubing from the pump to the outlet and still bubbles every now and again. So I switched to a pico evo 1200. No noise and a little less flow but Im happy with the little guy.


thank you for your reply...I did upgrade from the original pump, i have noticed that when i disturb the sand bed the 900 does clear the tank up a lot faster but i did not notice a difference in pressure when i changed out the pump. overall i believe it is working properly. Is there an advantage to one position of the power head over another or is it just to make sure that there are no "dead" spots in the water movement?

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that is the usual position for the extra powerhead. Now some are pointed up others are pointed straight ahead at the front of the tank. Also some position them on the right side on the glass pointing across to the other side of the tank.


did you upgrade from the original pump? you should see a pretty big difference. I liked the 900 but it made noise and I had a lot of bubbles every now and again from it. Thought it was maybe the pump so tried another and it was the same.I even removed the elbow and connected just a piece of tubing from the pump to the outlet and still bubbles every now and again. So I switched to a pico evo 1200. No noise and a little less flow but Im happy with the little guy.

how did you get less flow the pico is rated at 300gph an the max 900 is rated at 230?

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