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Cultivated Reef

help with id of nusiance macro


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Does anybody know what this stuff is? It kind of looks like green hair algae but I don't think it is. It is in long thin strands kind of like grass and snaps when you pull it from the rocks. I had this stuff growing in my tank for 3-4 months, maybe longer can't really remember when it started. It started in little patches and then eventually took over my tank. I finally got it off my rocks by scrubbing them every few days and putting them in total darkness for a week or so. It has come back, and I'm not sure why. It is pretty much secluded to the fuge but have a few single strands in my display.


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Ya...when I posted it this morning I realized it was out of focus and went to go take another photo and found all the nuisance macro to be off the rock. Not really sure what happened but it seems to be dying off. I will try to take a pic later tonight when my fuge light turns back on.


The stuff on the rock doesn't look like bryopsis but I do seem to have some growing on the wall of the fuge.

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i don't think it's bryopsis in an early stage, it has looked like this for months now and hasn't changed. And I have some bryopsis growing in my overflow spot which I'm cleaning out ever week or so. Still kind of confused on what it is but it seems to have disappeared from my display.

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