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Coral Vue Hydros

new strange frag...


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ok so totally loved this weird frag at my LFS, was only 10$ actually free with some cheato trade, but there are two heads of the big thing and two little zoa polyps. She said the big things were some kind of candy cane...byt they have no stalk... I have no idea at all about either...anyone have thoughts?

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It's just a zoanthid.

yeah there is a zoa on it but on the right of it is also a frag of something some japanese candy cane coral or something so the LFS said...they are not even sure it came in on a trade in frag....

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I'm gonna guess from the second pic mushroom, I cant see a wall where the tenticals would come from if it was an acan. If your trying to zoom with your camra dont, try to take a clear pic and then crop it.

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If you are using a point and shoot camera use the digital macro set up and pull away from the critter. It is much more important to have definition that proximity.

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Oh, I was responding to your comment that it closed when you touched it. I didn't know you had two specimens there, and the pic isn't the best. I am going to side on the mushroom team for the other one for similar reasons as described above. Mushrooms stay flat to the rock, acans don't usually.

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ok I try again.... well there are two heads next to each other.... also like I said the women at the LFS said it was some type of candy cane.... which is why I ask you guys cause I have never seen a candy cane without a big skeleton.... it doesn't open like a candy cane, in fact it doesn't open like an acan....this frag came to them on a huge rock of zoas, there are two of them on this frag as well, but they found these growing on it and wanted to save them... so they fragged them off the mother colony of zoas, I was like ahhhhh misc unknown frag...score cause those are my favorite lol.....

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