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Coral Vue Hydros

meteor shower woes....

Siren's eye

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Can anyone tell me what's wrong with it? It's in the shade uner 36 watts of T5 in a 5 gallon tank. All my parameters are good, and everything else, even the sps, are happy and growing.

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Alk and calcium are normal? IME cyphestrea is really easy to keep so that's odd, maybe too much light but that doesn't seem like enough to do that and you said it's shaded. I'd try moving it to a different spot asap and do a water change, about all you can do when you don't know what the issue is. Is it newly added to your tank?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Cyphastrea was reported to be Meteor Shower, but in 8 months the flesh has never blued up and the polyps are only rusty red under actinics (actually RB LEDs). Under normal lighting I'd call its color "dull." Maybe you and I have the same species?

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