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Top Shelf Aquatics

Would I need the extra filter?


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I wanted to get an ac70 and convert it to a AIO fuge with the chemi/filterfloss in one compartment and a fuge in the next but don't feel like spending the extra $$ right now. So..


I have a AC50 right now which I want to make into two compartments, 1 for a heater and 1 for the fuge. I also have an AC20 laying around from my edge that noone will buy ><, would it be worth it to run this filter as well for filter floss/chemipure elite? I am in the process of building a canopy so all of this would be hidden so it wouldn't be an eyesore, would probably cut the ac20 intake tube as well to hide behind LR.


Also would a 50w heater be sufficient enough for a 15 gallon? I've been running a 100 watt but that won't fit into the AC50 fuge.


Thanks for the input....And i've done multiple searches for heaters and couldn't find a definitive answer.

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