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Cultivated Reef

ich maybe?


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I purchased a flame angel recently and after I acclimated it i noticed a white spot on the fin, the fish does not seem to be itching against rocks or breathing deeply, could he or she have itch? or what could it be? and would a skunk cleaner shrimp be able to clean this infection?

Thankyou for youy help

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It could be ich, but personally I wouldn't worry too much about one spot on a fin of a new fish. Just make sure to feed it heavily with good food (preferably with garlic). It seems to help them fight off the infection, and even if it isn't ich it will do no harm. I usually always feed heavily for the first week or so after adding new fish. Personally, I wouldn't get a skunk cleaner, but it is up to you.

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It could be ich, but personally I wouldn't worry too much about one spot on a fin of a new fish. Just make sure to feed it heavily with good food (preferably with garlic). It seems to help them fight off the infection, and even if it isn't ich it will do no harm. I usually always feed heavily for the first week or so after adding new fish. Personally, I wouldn't get a skunk cleaner, but it is up to you.




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