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URGENT: Will my tank burst?


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Yesterday I noticed that the front panel of my AGA aquarium seems to bulging out a little. It is not a bowfront. Like a place a flat metal beam on it, and it does not lay flat on the glass. Is this even possible? Or am I just thinking I see a bulge? :huh: Please help

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aga's are not rimless and are braced, so I dont know how that could happen. I would imagine that the glass would show signs of stress with small cracks. It will not burst like you think it will. If the front was tempered, then it could burst.


If you are really worried get a new tank.

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AGA's aren't braced until you get to 55 gallons or so. I know their 40 Breeders aren't braced. Supposedly the rim keeps stuff from going wrong. Is the tank sitting level? Maybe it is leaning forward slightly so more weight is on the front glass? Is the back bowing slightly as well?

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interesting that all tanks bow, i never knew that. Im gonna go see if mine is doing that.


Also, my 29 perfecto definately was braced. If by bracing you mean the black trim around the top and bottom, then yes.

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