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tips for keeping small clams


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The clam I want it about 1.5 inches.


I know they are not has hardy as the 3" ones.


Any tip on flow?


position for lighting? I have a mexspect 16w g2 over a 60p.


I don't run the 30w Leds.


Any thing else I can do to make it get pass the 2"" mark?

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supposedly it is a myth that clams under 2" need phyto, and that young clams die from stress of shipping. so, if it is local, and it has been there over a month, then i would go for it. however, if it is online, i'd pass.


there are no tips to keeping a young clam really other than don't ship them...

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supposedly it is a myth that clams under 2" need phyto, and that young clams die from stress of shipping. so, if it is local, and it has been there over a month, then i would go for it. however, if it is online, i'd pass.


there are no tips to keeping a young clam really other than don't ship them...




the phyto thing is a widely argued point


young clam do stress greatly from shipping so FYI if you are going to buy a young clam (and i don't recommend doing so unless the clam is over 2 inches long from the tips of the SHELL NOT the mantle then make sure you aquire one from a LFS that has had them in stock for more than a week!!

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