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Two new beautiful corals


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(I created this in the wrong forum thanks to my excitement, I havent found out how to move or delete it, so if anyone can move it to corals, that would be great! Sorry to those of you who will be bothered by my heathenous mistake!)


I had to do some color adjustment due to my LED's washing out the photo in blue, but I just got these at the LFS for half price - he was making room for a new shipment and I was in the right place at the right time, got both for a steal! The colours are amazing to the eye, if not the camera.


My main questions are thus:


1. Do you think I need to pull them a bit further apart? They are about a centimeter apart currently, and I know the favia has little tentacles, but not long ones. They thought it would be fine, but you know LFS's.


2. Is there anything I need to be aware of to keep these guys happy? They both appear extremely happy in their new environment, but these corals are firsts for me. I have found no amount of research through the libraries of info gets me the little tips that you guys have always gievn and done wonders for me.


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from what i read they like to be on lower 2/3 of the tank or on the sand. from the pic it just looks high up. then that would solve your problem of them being close.


wicked corals though. look great under the LEDs. would love to see some FTS.

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I put him down on the sand in a moderate flow area (Ill have to work on the low flow if you think that best), and it has deflated a little bit (more likely from the change I assume. Will keep you updated!

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Its not a scoly its a brain coral (open brain?) and a beautiful one at that. But same care put on the sand bed and feed meaty food 1-2 times a week. One of my favorite corals extremly hardy.

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