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Red Sea Coral Pro pH


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I've heard good things about this salt, in fact I've been using it for some months and am pretty happy with it. Recently though, I've had little SPS growth and even some tissue loss on certain frags, so I decided to go through all of my params and see if there was anything I could improve....


Well my pH was 7.8. Across the board.... and oddly enough, even straight out of the mixing bucket. I've started dosing some seachem buffer (also raises alk, I may switch to pH only in the future) and it has helped.... but it's silly for me to have to dose this to my water change mixture. Anyone have any experience with low pH directly from the salt or have any idea what could be doing it? My corals are noticeably happier at the higher pH, so I really don't want to let it be.


I've got good alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium numbers with the salt alone - I do not get any precipitate with the buffer additive, but since I don't need to add some of the things it does add, would I be better off sticking to a pH specific additive?

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