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Please don't sting my BTA! (coral photo list...)help?


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post-56986-1290189529_thumb.jpgAbove is my coral list and just trying to make sure that if my BTA brushes any of these corals will it survive and if not which corals should I move into my pico? i just want to know if any of these are not compatible... and which ones... I know the names of all of them.... Thanks so much!



Havent had any coral deaths and havent seen the BTA move much but is getting near some corals...


Also what do you recomend I put on my hydor nano powerhead to protect the BTA?

I used a filter sleeve but lost to much flow... And do I need to take any precautions with other pumps in my 28 Gal jbj nanocube return pumps/skimmer....



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In my experience BTAs win most battles with just about anything else (except powerheads). I would be more concerned for the surrounding corals then the BTA.


As for cover the Hydor nano what I have done is by the foam replacement insert for the largest aquaclear filter and cut a hole in it to fit the nano into and then trim the outside of the foam down to make it round. Its porous enough that it wont effect flow too much. Get the big one so you can make several as it will still need to be cleaned regularly. That way you can just swap the dirty one with a new one while you clean the old one out.



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If anything, I'd be worried about your corals. They will walk wherever they please and sting anything in their path. This is why it's recommended to put them into a reef tank before corals so they have a higher chance of settling down in one spot. Even still, they can move at will

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word, thanks for the advice!


Im concerned for the coral also my main question is should i move them to the pico or should i just try and keep an eye on the bta?


I would rather put them in the pico than loose them...


The BTA must stay tho because my tomato clowns host it...


it was settled in the back of the tank far from corals but recently changed the flow and its in the middle of like 3-5 corals...


everything looked ok but who knows I dont get off work until 4pm est.



hope for the best and move some corals to the pico...


will it sting gsp? or xenia....

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Yes, they'll sting. Will they kill it? Unsure. Looks like you have some hardy corals so it may be ok. I would just keep an eye on it. GSP and xenia are nothing to be worried about IMO and are inexpensive/free and easy to replace.


You could always move the corals to the sand. It's fairly unlikely a BTA will wander off the rock work in your tank

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Yes, they'll sting. Will they kill it? Unsure. Looks like you have some hardy corals so it may be ok. I would just keep an eye on it. GSP and xenia are nothing to be worried about IMO and are inexpensive/free and easy to replace.


You could always move the corals to the sand. It's fairly unlikely a BTA will wander off the rock work in your tank


sweet finally a reply... appreciate the input man thanks...

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BTAs like to have their foot in a hole. If you can find a rock with a golfball to tennisball size hole that the foot can stick into and the oral disk stick out then you will have a happy anemone that will not move for a loooooooong time.


Three things will make an anemone move. Not enough light, not enough food, and not feeling safe. The foot in the hole is for the third. Make sure there is enough light and feed the anemone regularly for the first two conditions.



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