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Live Rock/ Gluing?


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I'm worried about my LR falling on to the glass due to a hermit crab or any other unforeseen reason. I'm wanting to know how many of you have fixed or glued your LR and if it's a good idea or not.




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what kind of hermit crabs do you have? i don't glue mine cause if you have to move things around you are screwed.


and i asked about the crabs cause mine are near big enough that i would worry about anything falling.

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Sorry, I don't have hermit crabs yet. I just set my tank up but I have read on this forum about such stories. I certainly understand that maintenance would be easier if they were left unglued. As of right now my LR feels solid without the glue but you never know.

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its all personal opinion. nothing should fall as long as you set it properly on there. for me i had to change things around due to corals getting to big. so its up to you. people do it both ways so either works.

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I think I'll stay unglued for the time being.


Thanks for the replies!



One more thing, is it normal for a tank to cycle in 3 days. I bought live sand and cured LR. Tank was cloudy for three days and then crystal clear. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate were all zeros. To be safe I'll let it sit for a week and test again.

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sweet. i dont know what lights you have but the upper rock on the left would look cool with 3-4 different colored monti caps.


good to see there are still a few people out there taking their time with setting up tanks. keep us posted.

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