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Cultivated Reef

Need help identifying these please


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:D I'm sure many people have asked about these before but I couldn't find any information. I've been scraping them off the glass for several days and they seem to reappear instantly. I have several other shots if need be. Thanks in advance !



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I read that those are a type of jellies. Chekhov out wet web media, they have several articles refering to that stuff. I had it for a while too and did a water change and they dissapeared.

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Mr. Microscope


Those are Hydrozoans.

Hydroids are something different.

Two words that are easy to confuse.


Much less harmful than hydroids. Will go away soon.

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Mr. Microscope

I wouldn't worry about them unless the branches that they are coming from are touching your corals. They look like little white dandylions. If they are really bugging stuff, they can be easily removed. Hydrozoans do not retract (like hydroids and aiptasia do). I've had a small patch of them in my aquarium for a while. They went away and came back, but have never numbered more than 5 or 6 and don't seem to bother anything. Those little jellies on your glass will get sucked up into your filter before they grow to anything larger than you see now. I say enjoy 'em. They're intersting to learn about and look amazing under a microscope if you happen to have access to one.

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