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spooky real bad heat problem in my nano 24g


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i have a 24g nano, and about 3 weeks ago my temps started shooting up from a steady 25night 26day to 25 night and 28 day, at 1st i thought it was a faulty heater, so replaced the heater, hydor theo, same problem, then i got tild it could be a faulty mj1200 so got new one, same problem, then a new koralia 1, same problem, the new exhaust fans for the top from www.theaquariumsolution.com....same problem, turned all central heating of in my room, same problem, pened windows, same problem, i have no idea what can be causing this, i have tried everything to correct this, its only when the lights come on, what can i do, the other nano in my room next to it has the exact same setup and is still steady, oh by the way i have used 2 glass thermometers and 3 diferent digital thermometers and all say up to 28, i have run out of ideas, i havent got the dosh for a chiller, but if i have to go that far then i will have no choice, any help, thanks :)

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28ºC is not that bad. Make sure to set your heater dial with the thermometer(s) and not solely on the dial's listed numbers. What kind of lights are on the tank, and how high are they?

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hi, its the standard 36w lights that come with the tank in the hood, i have 2 x 50/50 bulbs from nanotuners.com.


yes but thats 28c now, what about when the summer hits.!!!! :o

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this isn't uncommon for a "plug-n-play" setup (i know, because i have 4 of them). if you have no jumpers in the tank, try leaving the feeding lid open to allow warm air to escape, or you can prop the lid open just a bit for the same effect.


it sounds like you've already repumped the tank, which is good. altho i've used MJ's, i've heard that some of the Rio pumps run a bit cooler, so you may drop a couple of degrees by running a lower consumption pump.


if all else fails, shorten the photoperiod and prop up the lid and run a fan over the surface. you could also open up the lid at night so you get more of a temp drop, that way, you'll gain a couple of degrees as a "starting point".



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thanks dude,


i have dropped my photo period from 10 hours to 7 lol..


ill try the proping the feeding lid open a bout an inch or 2 and see if that makes a diference, also which rio pump will be best, if it runs coller, its better lol..


i really dont want to loose all my corals int he summer lol.




just checked up on the new, the maxi-jet1200 uses 20w where as the RIO 1000 only uses 6.5w but they both have arount the same water movement, lol big diference

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