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Anticipating Fluval Edge

Chrome Tang

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Chrome Tang

OK, I know it may be a bit early having two tanks at the age of 10, but I'm going to. Buy a Fluval Edge to keep some Zoas and a pair of Blood Shrimp, that is. I've been saving for a while, and I think I have enough :happydance:


I've kept freshwater for ages, about 5 years, and wanted to convert my 90L to a marine. But then ... OK, maybe a bit late, but yeah ... I realised I probably shouldn't beacuse


1. I would split my wallet trying to afford the live rock; I refuse to cut corners

2. There is another freshwater setup I want to do

3. Tiny nanos are way cooler than bigger ones (IMO)

4. I don't have to spend as much on decor


Any objections? I will have this setup in October-ish, because I'm going abroad in August and again in September. That also coincides with my b/d and I will have more £ afterwards.


Thank you for advice. Also, can I keep the Blood Shrimp? I know that Fluval Edge is supposed to be freshwater, but tons of people on Nano-Reef have theirs marine.


I am not planning on adding any fish. Inverts are cooler.


PS: http://zebrareef.blogspot.com/

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:welcome: to NR


and that is a nice tank! BTW - lighting that comes with it isnt for reefing... It will need some major mod's IMO

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Chrome Tang
:welcome: to NR


and that is a nice tank! BTW - lighting that comes with it isnt for reefing... It will need some major mod's IMO


Will the shrimp be OK with lighting like that? - refuse to set up an Edge without inverts. I will change them anyway though.

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Will the shrimp be OK with lighting like that? - refuse to set up an Edge without inverts. I will change them anyway though.


Sure... It will work on a FOWLR tank... The lighting is "really yellow" though... Therefore the colors of fish and inverts wont "Pop" as they say... :P

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Personally I have no idea. But taking a stab at it. yes? They should be. I only really run lighting concerns when im thinking about corals, or any invert-like nems or that nature. If you ever did do mods, it would probably be something along the lines of LED? for a fluval edge.

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You should be able to keep some zoas in there. It looks like the light is very simple and your bulb options will less than desirable. Just be sure to add the appropriate amount of flow and it should work will for you.

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Chrome Tang

I like the way the filtration is hidden from sight, don't like filters/heaters etc being visible. Ugly stuff.

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I like the way the filtration is hidden from sight, don't like filters/heaters etc being visible. Ugly stuff.

This true but you will need to add flow some how.

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I have to comment, for being ten, your grammar is excellent, and you seem to have a good hold on concepts that still baffle some adults these days..


Cheers :)

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So you started keeping tanks at 5 years old? :huh:


For some reason I picture a 45 yr old man typing all this, but hey that's just me..... :)

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I guess I just can't relate since I wasn't worried about "splitting my wallet" at that age... Of course my wallet consisted of a piggy bank, but whatever....

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did your house burn down too?


Watch out he's going to ask for free frags because his piggy bank is empty and he has poor parents, if it does not work he will burn down the house and ask again ;)

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She is from England.


Did you get your "Edge" up and running yet?


Make sure to post an FTS when you do!

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Chrome Tang

It isn't up yet - I am going to put an extension power supply round my room, and as I am going on holiday in August, no one could monitor it, and I don't think is responsible to set it up yet. Don't you agree? :huh:

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Chrome Tang

Thanks ...

What one/s do you use? Although the Razor Strips are cheaper, I would prefer to use the Fusion, because they are longer ... is one better (in the amount of light emitted, & brightness) than the other?

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:welcome: to nano-reef.com


Check the lighting forum for more info on LEDs. Decorations are usually not found in reef tanks because they will get covered in algae.

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