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Bought Saddleback Clowns instead of Onyx


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So I think I screwed up today and bought two black Saddleback clowns instead of the Onyx Ocellaris clowns.


These have the yellow fins, so now I'm fairly confident now that these are Saddlebacks.


It's a small/big pair and they're doing fine. HOWEVER my tank is only 10 gallons!

These are the only fish so far, but looking up their stats, these guys are recommended to stay in 30 gallon tanks.

Don't think the LFS will take them back, but I'll ask. Such a newbie mistake....

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Onyx typically sell for much more then that... I'm willing to bet they aren't Onyx.


Now I'm thinking these are actually just black Sebae Clownfish or maybe clarkii? :wacko:


I'm going crazy trying to figure it out on google when I can't see them right now (in office tank).

I'll check with the LFS tomorrow.

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So I got a better look at them today.

They look just like this one (not my video).



its saddle alright

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  • 10 months later...

Definitely a saddle. I say take them back to the LFS and tell them they sold you saddles, demand your money back, and tell them they will get too big for your tank. If they refuse, then you can blackmail them. ;)

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they will be ok in a 10g tank, will they be more happy in a larger tank? yes i got 4 pairs in 4 sections in my breeding tank. seen people breeding clowns in less space than my 12g per clown tank.

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