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Emerald Crab


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i had one, poor thing died on me..not sure why,maybe he ran out of food, no algae in my tank at all.......everything else is fine and params are good...


i didnt notice it nipping or picking at my corals...i only have zoas and softies though.


i am going to be getting blue porcelain crabs once my 58 is up and running...


hope that helps...


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I've had an emerald for almost 3 months now in my BC29 and he seems to be doing fine. Also there are no signs of damage to corals that I can see.

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I have one its great.. eats algae.. never around my corals that i have seen.


Spends most of the day hiding though. I find him while checking in rock crevices etc.

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I have two in my tank, I spot feed them nori since there is not a lot of algae in my tank any more.


I did notice that one of them started picking on my hammer coral when I first put it in the tank. Moved the coral away from the crevice and gave 'em some nori and he hasn't reached a claw out at it since (that being like, 4 hours ago?)


Mine hide, but can often be seen grazing around the tank. Great little fellows to watch when they come out.

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cheryl jordan

I have had mine along time never had a problem with them.

But I used to say the samething about sexy shrimp they now eat my zoanthids and my peppermint shrimp ate my mini anemone. Still trying to figure out how to relocate them.

In the future I will stay away from most shrimp, and I would only get emerald crabs.

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I have 5 of them now for about 4 months. Needed to find something that wasn't as cannabalistic as hermits. Girlfriend can't handle them ripping each other out of their shells. The emeralds seem to be very peaceful and are always grazing on the rock or sand somewhere so we enjoy them. Will be buying more as the hermits die off.

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+1 on hiding



I second. The only way I know my two are alive is during feeding and little green claws flail around trying to catch something. They are great and as long at they are fed they leave everything alone.

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Went ahead and got one. it has almost been a week and cant find the darn thing.


It took mine about 2-3 weeks before they'd scuttle across the rocks when I was around. Now when ever I go to feed, one of 'em comes out and stretches it's claws out- which I assume is his demand to be spot fed nori. He gets his nori and scuttles off. But not before I make him work for it.

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