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I will be buying my metal halides from fishneedit.com. I know this much so far. My question is can you help me decide what fixture to get and why. I will be hanging it above my 20 gallon high tank and I want to get the light that will cover everything I could possibly want to put in the tank. My real questions are will the 70 watt be too small to keep everything happy such as sps/clams/anems? If it is not powerfull enough will the 150 watt be plenty? I have a feeling that the 250 would be overkill am I right? Help me pick a light so I wont have to re upgade it for a long time. If you have any experiecne with the company also please tell me what you think about their light.

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I would go with the 150, you'll be able to keep pretty much anything you want within reason especially with the depth. Be careful with the nems though, some of them get much to large for a 20h.

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The 250 would work, but I also think it would be overkill. With a nice 150 bulb and reflector you would be able to keep anything I would think.

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Budget for a decent bulb also. The stock ones that come with the FNI fixtures are ok, but the color and performance is lacking compared to other bulbs.

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