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Fraging a Torch


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I was trying to frag my torch and I slipped with my cutters and poped alot of the heads in my DT what should I do? Will the frags come back? Should I do a huge water change asap?

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How big is your tank? The bigger your tank..the safter you are. All the same, when in doubt, do a water change :).


Edit: I wouldn't do a *huge* water change tho :P, maybe a couple of smaller ones a few days in a row if it's real bad though

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How big is your tank? The bigger your tank..the safter you are. All the same, when in doubt, do a water change :).


Edit: I wouldn't do a *huge* water change tho :P, maybe a couple of smaller ones a few days in a row if it's real bad though

My tank is a 20 gal with a protain skimmer I can't do one untill the next day I get my water at my LFS

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