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tiny bleached spot on monti cap


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i have a tiny spot, maybe BB sized on my purple monti cap that bleached, i have lots of other sps, that all look good

alk 9-10

ca likeley 450+ ( i dont trust my api ca test any more)

no trates trites.


i dont have any perching fish really or any unsafe inverts i think.

how likeley is it that a drop of water on my glass top focused the light from an led right on to that spot and killed it

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that sounds unlikely. watch that spot to see if it increases in size or not. when did you first notice it?


I know that with my monti cap, detritus/sand settles on it, so I blow it off. it could however cause bleaching due to the detritus blocking the light. could this be the case in your tank?

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i did have the nudis on a different monti a while back but it seemed isolated and i didnt see any more since i dipped. yes i dipped twice, yes i scrubbed with a toothbrush.

the detritus or salt sound most likeley aside from the led laser i made, the spot is not growing as far as i can tell but its only been a few days, no inward growth though.

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its been about a month and i dont see any more nudis but i dipped the hell out of my one digi that had it on it. like 30 min bath, then fragged it, then even a fw dip, which was terrible, i ended up losing one frag and every other one had damage on it, i kept two for myself and they are just starting to color back up now. i would rather risk losing a small colony than losing half of my corals by being too conservative with my dip.


i dipped with revive, i watched one die in just a few minutes

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