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Cultivated Reef

Bargain Bin Treasures


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Ever get lucky with a coral at your LFS that initially looked ugly but you took it anyway because it was dirt cheap?


I got a bunch of loose zoa/paly polyps a few months back and assumed, aside from the generic yellow polyps and green zoas, that I got some boring brown polyps. Just the other day I noticed that my once brown, boring polyps are much more intricate and brilliantly colored than I initially gave them credit for.




So, show off your bargain bin treasures!

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here fishy fishy

I got a rock with some starving yellow sun polyps on it I'm trying to nurse back to health. Guy sold it to me for $5 cause its in such bad shape, so I figured why not. 8-10 polyps that I think can survive with feedings. No pics yet

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