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1 step up from MJ1200 is...?

Deleted User 6

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Deleted User 6

My MJ1200 really isn't cutting it as a return pump for my 26g system. It's pushing up through a carbon reactor and the resulting turnover isn't really sufficient. So my question is, what can I step up to? I need something that's roughly the same size as the MJ1200 that I can finagle to connect to a Bulk Reef Supply carbon reactor. If the new pump could have suction cups that attach to a wall that would be fantastic. Low wattage/low heat would be an added plus.


Also, could there be any external pump options that would work and how do those usually work out?

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Deleted User 6

It may, I also use filter floss in my reactor which I think slows the flow down. I just don't have any other options for water polishing. I guess I could do without filter floss.

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Deleted User 6

so 350 GPH flow for the rio vs. 295g/h for the MJ...


looks like I'll be trying that one out. thanks big steve. intank doesn't sell those does it? ;)

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Deleted User 6

cool - i'll research a bit more and then will probably pull the trigger. i guess any more bump in flow will be a significant footprint increase, right?

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It may, I also use filter floss in my reactor which I think slows the flow down. I just don't have any other options for water polishing. I guess I could do without filter floss.


Do you run Purigen and Chemi in there as well? I was trying to figure out how to run floss in it.

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  • 1 year later...
not bad - looks like it'll work.


Please confirm, Im in the same boat as you, except the mj1200 seems to be enough flow, but for whatever reason, my flow fluctuates throughout the day. Its not in input issue, its like my mj has issues, if I rattle the overflow tubes, and turn a inline ball valve off and on, off and on, etc, etc, all of sudden air-bubbles shoot out and the flow looks like it returns. I made sure to buy the old style (from italy) mj1200 without all the extra crap that the new units come from (different impeller, etc, etc). Maybe I need a different mj1200 as the one I have has issues? Who knows. Someone comment on the rio 6h, and EVEN better, did anyone see the new Rio X-Power pumps, those seem like they might kick ass, 3-4 times the flow on each size unit, made especially for high flow, low heat transfer, low power draw. I'll buy a couple just to have on hand.


If someone knows the "true" dimensions for the left and right sump on the JBJ 28g Nano that would be killer, right now, everyone is guessing, cause the return hose and fitting are all in the way to get a true, accurate measurement. Let us know if you have a dry system, what is the size at the RIM and under the rim, do you need to wobble past the rim to get it in, etc, etc, etc.


Thanks in advance, much appreciation fellow nano reefers.

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You could get a MJ1800......(495gph)

Why are you running the return through a reactor? Can you run the reactor separately from the recirculation pump? The reactor probably slow's the flow down a ton.

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You could get a MJ1800......(495gph)

Why are you running the return through a reactor? Can you run the reactor separately from the recirculation pump? The reactor probably slow's the flow down a ton.



were (or I am) trying to fit these into the chambers in the 28g nano like the original pumps fit, of course hanging them off the back and as externals open all kinds of worms, not trying to go there yet.. (at least not me)..


thanks though.

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