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what fish eats amphipods?


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The only fish I have gotten to eat them is my christmas tree wrasse and radiant wrasse. I know a mandarin will not touch them. My other option was a 6 line wrasse I did not go that route because I was afraid of the aggression from the six line.


Why would you want them to be eaten?

In my tank they slowly stress zoos and then eat them.

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bout a pink streaked wrasse? Been looking around for that fish. And i want them to get eaten cause i have alot of them and they've eaten one of my zoa polyps. seen them at night all over it, next day, no polyp haha.


how come fish eat live brine suspended in the water, but not live pods on the floor?

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heh i got both firefish and clownfish, doesnt seem to help. never saw them eat one. Actually, i've caught a amphipod with turkey blaster and fed my clown. He ate it. But doesnt eat stuff on the floor.

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