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Tunze 9002 Skimmer making micro bubbles & whisteling.


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I cleaned my collection cup out yesterday and then put it back in and it was producing very wet skimmate. I ended up dialing it back a bit and now it's producing normal skimmate again but the microbubbles are ridiculous. Should I adjust the valve at all or just leave it be and maybe it'll quit? This skimmer is driving me nuts. Half the time it's whistling too and its really annoying. Any suggestions?

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That 9002 is a good skimmer, it just requires a lot of tuning. I had problems like that from time to time, I would just have to adjust the air intake and it would go away. I never had a whistle problem.

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Too bad SapphireAquatics is out of business! My SA skimmer is whisper quiet.


way to answer his question


Sapphire skimmers were full of problems and most will be in the trash very soon


I doubt that's the issue I've only had it running a couple weeks.


The less you mess with it the better. Because you adjusted it and cleaned it you will have to let it reset.


Check the lid and your water level, that is the usual culprut for noise. Adjust it so the bubbles come half way up the tube. After adjustment let it sit for 30 mins and then check. Skimmers are not instant reaction devices.

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Any suggestions for keeping the skimmer from sliding down lower then the water level line? I was thinking of cutting PVC pipe and putting it in the center compartment to prevent the skimmer from sliding down. Its a pretty tight fit but I've put the collection cup back on before and it's slipped down a little.

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  • 4 weeks later...

mine whistled too for a couple of days after I set it up. Once you get a small slime layer buit up in the skimmer that will help 'break it in' and you should be going noise free. I find when you clean it, just empty and scrub the inside of the cup, not the inside of the tube the bubbles rise up. Hope everything works out.

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Yea but I had to cut off the magnet to have it fit into the back compartment of my 28g jbj nano.


Are you able to reattach it to another part of the body? Maybe use smaller magnets? If not use your head. Think about making a base for it to rest on or a bracket system.

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cheryl jordan

It is whistling because you got water in the air intake valve. That should stop when it dries out. Put some filter media under the output to catch the micro bubbles. I think Tunze makes a good skimmer and mine has never mada a noise unless I got water in the air intake. I did raise the water level in the tank and put a sponge filter under the output and no more micro bubbles.

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  • 1 year later...
It is whistling because you got water in the air intake valve. That should stop when it dries out. Put some filter media under the output to catch the micro bubbles. I think Tunze makes a good skimmer and mine has never mada a noise unless I got water in the air intake. I did raise the water level in the tank and put a sponge filter under the output and no more micro bubbles.


I cleaned my skimmer a couple of days ago and the micro bubbles are out of control now. I looked at the chamber and the micro bubbles are coming from the bottom of the skimmer and the bottom of the water inlet of the tank itself. Where did you put the sponge filter?

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I cleaned my skimmer a couple of days ago and the micro bubbles are out of control now. I looked at the chamber and the micro bubbles are coming from the bottom of the skimmer and the bottom of the water inlet of the tank itself. Where did you put the sponge filter?


LOL This was a year ago.

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LOL This was a year ago.


Ha Ha, did not even notice that! Either way, if it worked a year ago, it should work now.

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