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Shrimps and Crabs


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What are some recommendations on exotic shrimp and crabs? I would like a pretty good collection of shrimp and crabs for the 125G.


I plan to have:

1 Cleaner Shrimp

3 Sexy Shrimp (transfering the Sexy Shrimp in the 12G)

Some kind of anemone shrimp (a pair if I can get one)

Another kind of anemone shrimp

Pair of Porcelain Crabs

Micro Porcelain Crabs if I can find them

The normal hermit crabs for my CUC

Pair of Acropora Crabs

Possibly transfering my mated pair of pistols with my goby


I would like to add a few more as I am a HUGE shrimp and crab finatic. Please no non-reef safe monsters. Just small peaceful shrimps and crabs that won't harm anything.


http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...amp;pcatid=1970 This thing looks pretty awesome! No nothing about it though.


Does anybody know if Imperial Shrimp are in the aquarium hobby? I would die for one of those!



Thank you very much everyone! :)



Here is 2 pics of the Imperial Shrimp:



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That's not an imperial shrimp, its and emperor shrimp (Periclimenes imperator). They are tiny, smaller than sexy shrimp and cost more than $50+ each. They have a commensalism relationship with sea slugs and nudi's. They are pretty sweet looking though.

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it might be tough but maybe a pair of harlequin shrimp?



and you have to have some pistol shrimp to pair with your gobies.


a fire cleaner shrimp would look cool too.


maybe a banded coral shrimp



oohh and pom pom crabs gotta have a couple pom pom crabs

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That's not an imperial shrimp, its and emperor shrimp (Periclimenes imperator). They are tiny, smaller than sexy shrimp and cost more than $50+ each. They have a commensalism relationship with sea slugs and nudi's. They are pretty sweet looking though.

I believe Emperor Shrimps are extremely similar to Imperial Shrimp.


I learned about these awesome little shrimps from Scubazoo's book: REEF. Best book ever made!


I am very much willing to pay 50+ for a few of these. I know a lot about them and I would love some.


it might be tough but maybe a pair of harlequin shrimp?



and you have to have some pistol shrimp to pair with your gobies.


a fire cleaner shrimp would look cool too.


maybe a banded coral shrimp



oohh and pom pom crabs gotta have a couple pom pom crabs

Hi Mustang Boy :)


1. Harlequin Shrimps: I would love a pair but I don't like feeding live food and I don't think I could support them with just hitchhiker Asternias and Brittles.

2. Pistol Shrimps: Forgot to mention I am transfering them to. Thanks!

3. Fire Shrimp: Good IDea but I am having enough shrimps and these guys always steal food from corals. Maybe though.

4. Definetly no Coral Banded Shrimp!!! They kill all sorts of other shrimps! :(

5. Pom Poms: Are they reef safe? I thought about them but I wasn't sure if there anemones sting corals.


Thanks for the ideas! :)

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ive always heard pom poms advised with caution because their nems can sting but i have seen several people who have them in their nano reefs


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FWIW, I got a pair of Acro crabs from DFS last week and haven't seen them since acclimation. I <3 my porcelain crab, I had him for 8 months and he dissapeared a few months back (I was housing a small dogface puffer at the time, and he may have chomped him into bits :scarry:)

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Hey I love shrimps too! Even though I just have my harlequins and my tiger pistol. What about bumble bee shrimp? They are related to harlequins and bongos, they will sea stars but don't need them.


And don't forget about criniod squat lobsters!

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Hey I love shrimps too! Even though I just have my harlequins and my tiger pistol. What about bumble bee shrimp? They are related to harlequins and bongos, they will sea stars but don't need them.


And don't forget about criniod squat lobsters!

Are you sure Bumblee Shrimp eat other foods?


Crinoid Squat Lobsters don't do well unless you have a crinoid for them to host.

Bongo Shrimp? You hearing this?

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Those pipeshrimp from LA are very small, but cool none the less. Emperor shrimp NEED a cucumber or nudi partner. It's really 50/50 whether or not it would live for an extended period. I'd like to get one too but I don't want to have my tank nuked. Also Bluezoo doesn't have a guarantee on them I don't think.

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Those pipeshrimp from LA are very small, but cool none the less. Emperor shrimp NEED a cucumber or nudi partner. It's really 50/50 whether or not it would live for an extended period. I'd like to get one too but I don't want to have my tank nuked. Also Bluezoo doesn't have a guarantee on them I don't think.

Thanks for the tips!


*sighs* I didn't know I need a cucumber or nudi. :( I am very dissapointed. :( I had Lettuce Nudi's in the 12G and they were the biggest pain!!!! Bluezoo has a guarantee on them. I would try a pair but they are so darn expensive for something that might not even live.

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Look on liveaquaria.com for info on the bumble bee shrimp. Also I do believe there is someone on this forum who has one and feeds it mysis...I think the thread is with a biocube.

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bumblebee shrimp also eat all frozen foods... look at one of the photo contest from 2009 uwwmatt won it with a picture of him feeding his bumblebee shrimp with mysis

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Yeah, Bumble Bees eat all sorts of things. I feed mine mysis. (I'd also note that mine went for about a month rarely (once or twice) being fed, but he survived on, I'm assuming, the micro brittle star population in my 3gal... They're hardy little critters.)


I also have a pom pom crab, he's reef safe, but he mainly comes out at night... Just something to consider.


Also, would the pom pom and porcelain fight? Maybe not in a 125, but what about in a 10 or a 3?


A group of clapping shrimp (liveaquaria has them listed as Venus Shrimp) would be pretty cool. They're hard to see, but they're full of personality.


P.S. The Bumble Bee is on a regular feeding schedule now, two to three times a day.



Here you go:


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Mantis Shrimp are cool j/k :P


boxer crabs/pom pom crabs are way cool and imo reef safe but in a big tank you will never see em

i miss mine i accidentally crushed him/her when i added more rock.......stupid self :angry:


Yeah, Bumble Bees eat all sorts of things. I feed mine mysis. (I'd also note that mine went for about a month rarely (once or twice) being fed, but he survived on, I'm assuming, the micro brittle star population in my 3gal... They're hardy little critters.)


I also have a pom pom crab, he's reef safe, but he mainly comes out at night... Just something to consider.


Also, would the pom pom and porcelain fight? Maybe not in a 125, but what about in a 10 or a 3?


A group of clapping shrimp (liveaquaria has them listed as Venus Shrimp) would be pretty cool. They're hard to see, but they're full of personality.


P.S. The Bumble Bee is on a regular feeding schedule now, two to three times a day.



Here you go:







porcelain would prob kill the pom pom :o

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Mantis Shrimp are cool j/k :P


boxer crabs/pom pom crabs are way cool and imo reef safe but in a big tank you will never see em

i miss mine i accidentally crushed him/her when i added more rock.......stupid self :angry:


porcelain would prob kill the pom pom :o

That sucks about the pom pom. :tears:


It thought the porcelain would, I just wasn't sure. Thanks for the answer.

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Stay away from mantis shrimp unless you want it as only inhabitant in your tank, as they're EXTREMELY predatory.


ok i dont want to be mean but have you ever kept a mantis or done any real research on them or only heard the false rumors that have been spread around the web by people who dont like them. yes mantis are predatory against INVERTS very rarely will a mantis take down a swimming fish, there have been tons of reef tanks with a nice sized peacock as an inhabitant they just have to reinforce their CUC every now n then. i have also seen quite a few nano reefs with mantis shrimp and fish. so dont go around saying it cant be done because it can but in his case it cannot because he is wanting alot of decorative inverts which would not be good.

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