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Cultivated Reef

Monthly Reef Profile (TOTM) Nominations

Christopher Marks

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I like brandon's and it's truly a testament of time, but I honestly take offense to his link in his sig. very self-important, presumptuous, and one of the least humble things Ive read. that's all Ill say, not trying to start any fights or whatever--just my honest to goodness opinion



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I like brandon's and it's truly a testament of time, but I honestly take offense to his link in his sig. very self-important, presumptuous, and one of the least humble things Ive read. that's all Ill say, not trying to start any fights or whatever--just my honest to goodness opinion





Well your name really does fit you then huh?


It falls in line of other great names like Rocky who has to box and Candy who has to strip.

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tron your tank can win it now, but i think you should wait a couple months for it to be awesomer!

(i hope you dont take offense to that) :flower:

Edited by Jacob042426
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tron your tank can win it now, but i think you should wait a couple months for it to be awesomer!

(i hope you dont take offense to that) :flower:

Even I know those Sps haven't filled in the way I want them to!


Few months, shiiiii, if I'm lucky. That'd b a dream

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I vote awpong's 20 long for April. That tank is amazing!




Oh wow! I didn't realized I had been nominated, let alone twice! I really appreciate the support and am flattered that y'all think my tank can compete with the big boys, but I have to admit that MasterMind9 has one hell of a tank!


I think he deserves TOTM more than I.

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  • Christopher Marks changed the title to Monthly Reef Profile (TOTM) Nominations

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