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Kenya Tree Feedings


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Curious about the frequency to feed a kenya tree coral. Reading about it says that it gets more nutrients from feeding then lights. But does feeding have to be daily, weekly, some where inbetween? Right now I have mushrooms, polyps, zoas, xenia etc that don't require this kind of feeding so I am a noob when it comes to filter style feeding.



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I have never heard that kenyas need to be fed. I have grown the same piece of kenya along with the frags that have came off for almost 3 years now and the most that I have seen it eat is cyclopeeze (and that wasn't much). Just give it good light and good water and it will grow forever.

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Most sites tend to say something similar to the following, which to me says they need feedings.


"The Kenya Tree Coral relies less on the symbiotic algae within it, and depends more on obtaining outside food. Microplankton, marine snow, and dissolved materials should make up the bulk of its diet."


Maybe you are feeding other corals and so its getting a diet already?

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I agree with 2Ocean...I have had a Kenya tree for 6 months and have watched it triple in size without ever feeding.


I don't like feeding corals in my reef (33 Gallon Long). I am more concerned with polluting the water than providing nutrients. For me, water changes every 3 weeks and feeding the fish once a day seems to work well in giving the corals what they need for growth.

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