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Top Shelf Aquatics

Schooling Fish


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I have upgraded my tank from 5.5 gallon to 25 gallon long 4 days before. I took the entire water, sand and rock from the previous tank and put in the new tank so it took 2 days for the sand to properly settle down and then I placed the existing livestock. I also have a skimmer, circulation pump, 150watts Metal Halide lighting with 4 nos. 24 watts Actinic lights.

I currently have :

1 no. 2" Clarkii Clown

1 no. Orange spotted Goby

1 no. Fire Shrimp

1 no. Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

1 no. Blue legged Hermit Crab

3 nos. Snail

Corals - Frogspawn, Leather, Daisy Polyps,Zoas & Paly & Mushrooms.Mushroom shrivelled after transferring and hope to be fine in 3 or 4 days.


I like to add some more fish and I like one species of schooling fish only. Can anyone suggest me of a schooling fish that I can add and also the number or it?


Thanks in advance.

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