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Stocking a 20H Tank


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So I'm looking for some help on stocking a 20H. The tank has 25lbs of indo live rock with lots of rock/caves and 2 inch sandbed. Currently I only have a salfin/algae blenny in the tank. I'm thinking of adding 2 clowns and a goby or a pearly jawfish. Would a goby be alright to add to the tank with blenny or should I stay away from that. I'm running a skimmer so I figure 4 fish would be a good bioload. Any other suggestions are welcome. If not a goby then maybe a bangaii cardinal. Any help or suggestions for stocking would be great. Thanks

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So I added a Maroon clown today. I know he can be aggressive so what are my options for other fish I can add further down the road. At the LFS he was in a tank with panjama cardinals and didn't seem to bother them. Thanks.

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Your options are slim to none. An adult maroon clown (reaching 6") is nothing like an adult occelaris or percula clown, and they really do live up to the damselfish family reputation.

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Yeah I didn't really do my research before buying this little guy so tomorrow I'm gonna be returning him to the LFS for a pair of perc`s. Hopefully that will work alot better.

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