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Cuboy 4.5g! RIP! last pictures of my pico page 11


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Well here it is, it's been up for about a week.




JBJ picotope 3gallons kit - $37.99

upgraded AC70 mod fuge w/some rubble rock - $46.99 (not including rubble rock)

upgraded Current dual satallite 2x18watt light fixture - $94.99

50w theo hydor heater - $17.99


a lot of rocks (do you think it's to much? about 6.5lbs) - variety of prices.

some sand - 5lb bag, used 3.5lbs

lots of water - 35cents per gallon


if you look at my right and left pictures, you see this green line down the side. Does anyone else get that? it just showed up today and it's making me mad. Seems to be stuck to the sealant thing they used on the corners, it was actually worst, but i tried to wipe it before i took some pictures.



my tank



from the left




left corner







slightly from above



right corner



right side



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beautiful. Awesome tank setup, as you probably know, its a very common and obviously succesful setup. Also, your aquascape is pure sechs. Youll have plenty of places to place corals!

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AW it's a baby!!!


I really like the rockwork. like really.

what are your plans for it?



Ohhh nice tank. I have one and cannot wait to get it fully up and running. Are you going to get a cover for it? Bonsai is looking for people to go in and order covers. He then gets them cut from a glass cutter.


I likey.

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wow you guys are fast at the replies. felt like i just hit the submit button then refreshed. haha


um as for my plans. no idea really. thinking something along the lines of:



green star polyps

maybe xenia

frog spawn or hammer



maybe a super duper baby clown. like super tiny one, once it gets to a small size i'll toss it in my 35g all fish tank.


then maybe the same with a baby blue tang.


then maybe get a small goby (maybe pistol pair) but i really dont know. have to reseearch if there's enough ground room for them.


some sexy shirmp.

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wow you guys are fast at the replies. felt like i just hit the submit button then refreshed. haha


um as for my plans. no idea really. thinking something along the lines of:



green star polyps

maybe xenia

frog spawn or hammer



maybe a super duper baby clown. like super tiny one, once it gets to a small size i'll toss it in my 35g all fish tank.


then maybe the same with a small blue damsel.


then maybe get a small goby (maybe pistol pair) but i really dont know. have to reseearch if there's enough ground room for them.


some sexy shirmp.


me likey the corals and sexy shrimp idea.

me no likey fish in there.

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Glad you guys like my aquascape. I've prolly changed it around almost every day until i finally got it this way.


as for dahliaheartsyou, they are basically new borned clowns. very small, and it wouldnt even be in there for to long. I have no idea how fast they grow maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months. But who knows! it's just an idea. i have a few months to think about it.

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Glad you guys like my aquascape. I've prolly changed it around almost every day until i finally got it this way.


as for dahliaheartsyou, they are basically new borned clowns. very small, and it wouldnt even be in there for to long. I have no idea how fast they grow maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months. But who knows! it's just an idea. i have a few months to think about it.


cool, since you have a bigger tank for them, it makes me feel better :)

I like inverts better than fish anyways though, they make less of a mess!

I can tell this will be a pretty little tank!

Do you have a link to your 35g?

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Ohhh nice tank. I have one and cannot wait to get it fully up and running. Are you going to get a cover for it? Bonsai is looking for people to go in and order covers. He then gets them cut from a glass cutter.


I likey.


I like the cover. but it's kinda expensive! but it's custom made, so understandable. The cover would basically cost as much as the tank itself. Maybe in the future or find a shop around here that can do it and save $10 off shipping.


I can tell this will be a pretty little tank!

Do you have a link to your 35g?


I don't have a link, sorry. It's basically some base rock, some live rock, and about 3 fish that i've had over 4-5 years. ( Tomato Clown, domino damsel, and another one I forgot the name to) and 1 new blue damsel. I plan on getting some more fish for it.



Nice Picotope! :)


I really dig your rock ... it looks really nice. I can't wait to see it full of coral.




thanks! yeah i can't wait to add some coral to it either

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You should post pics of the 35, I'd love to see it. I know everyone hates damsels but I love the dominoes!

you know what they say...pics or it didn't....hahaha

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You should post pics of the 35, I'd love to see it. I know everyone hates damsels but I love the dominoes!

you know what they say...pics or it didn't....hahaha


ok here you go. not the best of pictures since all you see is reflection of everything else. Yeah I have my domino damsel in quarintine. Recently he became aggressive. About 2 months ago I went on vacation, and my auto feeder was malfunctioning. So they didnt really eat for 3.5 weeks. Came back and he got aggressive! Just locked him up not to long ago, I may have to give him away.









the rockwork looks alot more better in person. lol I created a lot of tunnels and what not for them to go in and out of. Can't really tell in the pictures

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congrats looks like ur on the right path... i would get with bonsai on a lid!!.


on another note, go ahead and scratch the idea about a baby clown..lol... and Did i here u say a baby blue tang..lollol... reallly that made my morning :D:slap:

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so does anyone know about this bright green gunk on my corners?


It's probably just cyano or a type of algae from a new tank, it will prolly go away on its own...

So is your 35 a FOWLR? .

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It's probably just cyano or a type of algae from a new tank, it will prolly go away on its own...

So is your 35 a FOWLR? .


I have a small feather duster in it to. I redid my rock work like 2 weeks ago, and moved a few pieces from the back bottom to the front and what not. Later that day, I saw a feather duster on it. Totally forgot. I'll snap a picture of it later today.

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So I'm starting to get tons of green algae growth all over my back rock.


Looks like i'm on the right track! I'll be doing a water test in about a week.



so question to everyone:

What are your timer settings at? I'm about to get a timer surge, but i dont know what to set them to.


What time do you have your daylight, actinic, moonlight, fuge light, turn on / off?

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  • 2 weeks later...

so I just added a small CUC


2 Astrea and 3 Scarlets. They have been playing and exploring all over my rocks and tanks. Snails went straight to the glass, I just found a hitchhiker slug that came out to play. I actually discovered it after I took pictures of my tank, but have not seen it since.


It's definately grown, and sort of looks ilke this



I went to grab my camera but the battery died. Then the little slug disappeared into hiding again.

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Inorder to help combat my green hair algae problem, I took some snails and hermits from my larger tank and threw them in.



2 margarita snails

4 scarlets

1 turbo

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So the fun is finally starting. I added a decent size zoa colony to my tank and also 2 small xenia heads. Found a nice spot for my xenia where the current wasn't to strong and they can just sit there and pulse.


Zoas opened up nicely and enjoying themselves. I broke up a small tiny part of the colony that was dangling off the branch, and placed it in a crevice in my rock, hopefully it will start growing soon enough.


Love the green outeer glow on my zoas under the antic lighs. Pictures will be posted later today. I snapped some last night, but it just didnt look as great as I hoped. Now I need to buy a better camera =/

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I'm no expert, but that picture dosen't look like a slug but really......... A CHITON! If that's what you have. I like them. Great looking start to a tiny tank.

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