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first coral ever bought!


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hi! i just bought a kenya tree frag..its my first coral ever so i was wonder..i drip acclimated it and everything but uh how long does it take for it to actuallly open up again?

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drip acclimation is a waste with softies... but thats just me


it could take a few hours to open or a few days.. my toadstools took 2 days to get any polyp extention

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It's one of those things people argue about. I prefer to acclimate most things. I have a thin fingered leather that has waited a week and just "puffed up" today. My last leather was open in 10 minutes. Go figure. They came from the same tank. The thin fingered was manhandled getting it off the egg crate.

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Its going to depend on a couple of things. Light level, flow, what else is in the tank that it is competing against, and how pissed the coral is from being moved from one place to another.


So if it doesn't open up after a few days look into those things and act accordingly. For example if its getting too much or too little flow its not going to open up and thus you will want to move it to a place of higher/lower flow and/or more/less direct flow. Same with lighting.

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well good news its opened but its kinda slouched? Will it straighten itself up as in upright and erect or will i have a hunchedback kenya tree? lol

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I have one of these... the thing will limp over... it will shrivel up to a size of a small pebble, it will look huge.. all within a couple of hours... it does that all the time.. it will look like it's dead... but in a couple of hours, its huge.. in a couple of hours.. small... it's like it's morphing..

"I'm a tree"... (toejam & earl)

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o i see thats great to hear :) and the frag i got has two sides the largest side has opened and doing well but the other side is still closed and really dark O_o should i be worried of its significant other to be shriveled and dying O_o

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o i see thats great to hear :) and the frag i got has two sides the largest side has opened and doing well but the other side is still closed and really dark O_o should i be worried of its significant other to be shriveled and dying O_o

Being so new to your tank, I wouldn't be worried about it.. Each coral will react differently... Mine actually was limp for 2 days, and then popped up for about an hour.. then shriveled up pretty small, like the size of a small pebble.. it's limped over as we speak.. about 1/2 the size it can be..

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o i see thats great to hear :) and the frag i got has two sides the largest side has opened and doing well but the other side is still closed and really dark O_o should i be worried of its significant other to be shriveled and dying O_o


I think it's probably fine- what you're describing is normal. Sometimes they'll even slump over for awhile. They can almost double in size when extended.


You don't need to acclimate corals unless there's a big temp difference.

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lol i see thank you i heard these bad boys grow and reproduce like bunnies :eek:

Just so you get an idea...

My snail just ran over it.. here is a shot a few mins ago..


and this is when it's open..


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wow urs seem to be a big more straight lol and the trunk is thicker but i guess to each their own :)

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Mine also continually shrinks and expands. It will be three inches long or the size of a small rock. You never know with these coral. ;)

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wow urs seem to be a big more straight lol and the trunk is thicker but i guess to each their own :)


Thats what the ladies tell me!



Nice pick up BTW.... softies rule!

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lol nice


anyways i heard that corals cant touch each other unless they are the same species? sorry im really new at this so what corals are compatible with this tree..i kinda do want a toadstool leather coral extra green :)

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