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Cultivated Reef

'fuges and skimmers


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I'm working on the "Frankenwave", a rebuilt from scratch Nanowave 9 that arrived to me with a shattered back glass and borked hood -- I have a false wall in it now, that I was planning on using as a 'fuge. In a small system like this, would it be necessary to supplement the 'fuge with a HOB skimmer? What would be the effects of using both?

This is going to be a sps/softies only reef, no fish and a limited CUC.

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The more the better I think. Go with the fuge and the skimmer and reap the benefits.


You don't really NEED either. Just like I dont need a large turbo in my car but I sure do love it.

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Mr. Fosi, thanks for that thread, great read. Settles it in my mind, I'm gonna use both. I appreciate the help I find here!

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